Newspaper Opinion Page
Clark Benson, Alice Duer Miller, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Case against Women’s Suffrage
by Clark Benson

2The women and children of America need leadership and protection. Who better to protect and serve our families than the men found at the head of each American household? Women should keep their rightful place in the home and men should discourage women from the imprudent notion of gaining the right to vote. For the sake of our offspring—and the general welfare of our nation—I implore our nation’s lawmakers not to grant women's suffrage.

3As the heads of their households, men are tasked with obtaining employment, managing finances, and making prudent family decisions (Eastman 165). Women have their roles as well; however, those roles should be limited to domestic duties and raising offspring. Numerous noteworthy women have even enumerated reasons why females should not attain suffrage (Andrews F12). Eunice Madison, journalist for Happy Housewives, concurs, stating, "It is imperative that husbands come home to well-kept homes, well-behaved children, and well-prepared meals" (Madison 30).

4Women should not be burdened with the laborious task of voting as it may interfere with their wifely duties. According to predominant American psychologist Dr. Hiram Luther, "If women are given the right to vote, their household duties will inevitably be neglected. This will shake the foundation of the American family and, ultimately, lead to its demise" (Luther 372).

5Scientific evidence has proven that women's brains are inferior to men's in the realm of complex thought. According to Dr. Matthew Switzer, a female's brain is significantly smaller than the male’s brain—making women incapable of logical judgment and diminishing their decision-making abilities. Furthermore, Switzer concluded that a man’s brain works more rapidly and efficiently than a woman's (Switzer 149–162). Women, therefore, have an immense disadvantage. Women's involvement in our complex election process will certainly cause catastrophe.

6The men of America must unite to ensure that women are protected. They need to be protected from causing themselves and our children harm by making rash and irresponsible decisions (Carmichael 23). It is imperative, therefore, that every American male speak out against women’s suffrage. Help preserve our nation’s traditions, and protect your family and friends by denying women the right to vote.

7Works Cited

Andrews, Jeremiah. "Women's Views about Getting the Vote." U.S. Herald News 10 August 1917: F12.

Carmichael, Alexander R. Gender and Voting. Detroit, Michigan: Penn's Publishing, 1918.

Eastman, Frederic. A Comparison of the Genders. New York: Reynolds, 1909.

"End Women’s Suffrage." Conservative Life. 3 March 1918: 42–44.

Luther, Hiram. Voting and the American Household. Chicago: Woodhouse, 1918.

Madison, Eunice. "Three Easy Steps to a Happy Marriage." Happy Housewives 24 May 1919: 29–31.

Switzer, Matthew. The Human Brain: A Study of the Differences between Men and Women. New York: Lantern, 1905.
Winter, Steven. "A Question of Responsibility." Men's Life? 10 June 1915: 65–72.

Are Women People?
by Alice Duer Miller

8Father, what is a Legislature?
A representative body elected by the people of the state.
Are women people?
No, my son, criminals, lunatics and women are not people.
Do legislators legislate for nothing?
Oh, no; they are paid a salary.
By whom?
By the people.
Are women people?
Of course, my son, just as much as men are.

She Walketh Veiled and Sleeping
by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

9She walketh veiled and sleeping,
For she knoweth not her power;
She obeyeth but the pleading
Of her heart and the high leading
Of her soul, unto this hour.
Slow advancing, limping, creeping.
Comes the Woman to the Hour! —
She walketh veiled and sleeping
For she knoweth not her power.

Which of these BEST describes the differences between the viewpoints of the author of the essay and the authors of the poems?
A) The author of the essay believes women should work harder to gain voting rights, and the authors of poems believe men should help women gain voting rights.
B) The author of the essay believes women will make good political decisions, and the authors of the poems believe women will make poor political decisions.
C) The author of the essay believes men are already working hard for women's rights, and the authors of the poems believe men should be working harder.
D) The author of the essay believes women will never be qualified to vote, and the authors of the poems believe women should have suffrage rights.