Frank Moro has been diagnosed as having severe atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol levels. He is told that he is at risk for a stroke or a heart attack. First, what foods would you suggest that he avoid like the plague? What foods would you suggest he add or substitute? What activities would you recommend?

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The full answer to these multiple questions, regarding the case of Frank Moro, are diverse, but they all point to one particular goal: reducing the lipid and cholesterol consumption, elimination of fats and LDL cholesterol to a normal level, from his system, and increasing his exercise activities so the body can better metabolize carbs and fats, two precursors to cardiovascular disease.

As such, these would be the recommendations for Mr. Moro:

1. He needs to avoid, at all costs, cholesterol-rich foods, such as shrimp, meats of all types, be it cow or pork, with high contents of fat, reduce the consumption of red meat overall, as much as possible, and also complex carbs.

2. He also needs to increase his consumption of vegetables, fiber-rich foods, omega-3 rich foods, such as salmon, tuna, cod, etc., eat more whole grains, nuts, whose fatty content are good for controlling cholesterol and heavy fats, and finally, consume oatmeal, which has been proven to lower cholesterol levels overall and improve HDL. He also needs to increase his water intake over carbonated waters and sodas.

3. He also needs to start an activity like moderate exercise, at least 3 times a week, for 30 minutes, going from moderate to more vigorous, such as intense walking, or power walking, jogging, or cycling. Swimming is also a great idea, as it is an exercise that helps reduce overall weight, increases the overall feel of wellness and protects the musculo-skeletal system by reducing impact of exercise.

These are only a few of the ideas that could be applied to improve Mr. Moro´s lifestyle and prevent him from having a cardiovascular problem.