
i am a boy using my friends email for an account since i got banned but does anybody have any advice for getting a girlfriend in highschool, next year i am a freshman and i dont wanna spend all of highschool alone as i did in middle school i am homeschooled this year but for high school i am going to an academy but i could really use some good advice
32 points

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Practice genuinely complimenting girls. Challenge yourself to find something beautiful in any girl. Make her laugh. Treat her like a lady. Ask your friends to introduce you to girls they know. Your friends likely know girls they could introduce you to, and this is a common way for people to meet. Get your friends to arrange group outings so you can meet their female friends.



Be confident and go up and talk to the girls. Be persistant, but don't suffocate them. Be funny. Be smooth with your words when you talk to them. Be yourself and don't act like something you're not. Don't make it seem like you're desperate. Tease them, but know your limits. Impress them. Dress nice and have good hygiene.
