Answer:d. "Does my action comply with company policies and guidelines?"
You need to evaluate your actions when you need to make an ethical decision because ethical refers to doing something that is moral correct or acceptable based on Oxford dictionary.
You want to carry out an action that will not have bad concequences or ruin your reputation as an employee or have a negative impact on other employees.
You may do an action and no one may find out at that moment but the impact will be felt and if it has bad effect it will impact the company negatively .
It vital to analyse the action before you take it for the benefit of yourself and others around you .
One wrong action taken without thinking it through can ruin your reputation for life especially in the business or working industry.
You have to abide by the company rules and guidelines even if they may not sit well with you but since they are there and you probably signed the contract to abide by these rules , you have to do it until the end of your time working there .