the kidnapper which is the gardener was asked by a man if he could get him a dog because he will pay alot for a dog that can pull his weight. his thoughts are. i love to gamble and i have a family that is big and i need money he thinks. as buck is passed to the stranger buck gets afraid but that turned to anger when the rope tightened around his neck so he sprung at the man and tryed to attack him, buck was surprised he was thrown to the side and he landed on his back. finaly he tires right in time i say. he will be easier to handle this way. i load him up onto the train and make sure he is in a trap. oh no i dont think i will be able to get him delivered alive, buck had just tried to attack him again.
if this was in a third persons veiw you would only know bucks thoughts and feelings because he is the main character and the rest of the characters would be considered flat characters which means you only know there actions