Background: The Cold War arose in part from different goals or beliefs held by American and Soviet leaders and from actions taken by both countries.

Directions: Fill in the chart based on the goals/ beliefs and actions you know from the United States and the Soviet Union.

Question: What were the goals/beliefs and actions of both the United States and the Soviet Union (List at least five.) ?

Goals/ Beliefs










Respuesta :

The goals of the United States and Soviets were, 1.) To spread either communism or Democracy 2.) To be the most advanced in technology 3.) To be the first to land on the moon 4.) To be the most supreme power

Actions that were taken- 1.) Each country spent billions of dollars. 2.) Soviets tried to spread more and more Communism. 3.) United states creates the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan to help aide countries in not turning to Communism. 4.) Both Countries seek out to find ways to land on the moon. 5.) Both countries spend more and more to have the greatest army.