Royalty and celebratory events
Adinkra is a set of symbols that represent ideas expressed in proverbs. Adinkra, from the Achan peoples of West Africa (notably the Asantes of Ghana), is one of several African writing systems, a fact that goes against the notion that African knowledge is only about orality. In fact, the spelling is born in Africa with the Egyptian hieroglyphics and their predecessors. Several other writing systems run throughout African history across the continent.
In addition to the graphical representation, the adinkra symbols are stamped on fabrics and props, carved from wood or iron to weigh gold. Often they are associated with royalty, identifying lineages or sovereigns. The gwa, or royal seat, a carved bench, represents the sovereignty of the asante nation. In many cases the carved image in gwa is that of an adinkra. Thus, the concept of writing expands beyond the Western notion restricted to the spelled letter only.