Is having an attractive physique important? Why or why not? What dangers, if any, do you see in pursuing an ideal body type? What does an ideal body type for a man or a woman look like to you? What sources in your environment and social circles influence how you define ideal body type? Share a real-world story about how the pursuit of an appealing physique succeeded or failed for an individual. Borrow the story from the news or share an experience of your own.

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There is nothing wrong with pursuing a ideal body type unless it is extremely over-weight or under-weight. being fit is a great thing to pursue. when the attractive physique comes into the question, no it is not important... unless you are much too under-weight (that is not attractive at all, that is a real problem in our society, girls wanting to be really skinny.... it is not good for your health one bit.) AN ideal body type for both genders would be fit and healthy. that doesn't mean buff and that you lift weights everyday, it means you are eating the right foods and exercising regularly. A couple of years ago I had some real trouble with my weight. I was chubby but I wanted to be really skinny like the girls in the magazines, so... silly me decided to stop eating, skipped breakfast lunch and tea but had an occasional apple. that was horrific. why why why. it failed, I became anorexic and had to go to hospital... I am all better now, chubbed up but not over-weight. you need to aim for fit. eat right, exercise and love life.

I believe that having an attractive physique is important because it would make you feel better about yourself and no matter what people are attracted to nicer looking things but you don't want to be too thin because one, that isn't good for you and two, you would look bad. I feel that some dangers of trying to in pursuing an ideal body type because all bodies are different and if you want to look one way your body may not be able to do it. Another reason that there are dangers in pursuing an ideal body type is that if you don't work out and then you start then your body could go into shock. I think that you should gradually start to work out. I don't think that anyone should look one way over the other just as long as they are happy with themselves and they are healthy. If you are looking for a job people don't want overweight and sloppy employees, they want normal body weight and kept people working for them.