20. What unit of measurement would you choose to measure
a. the amount of juice you drank for breakfast?
b. the amount of salt you put on French fries?
c. the amount of water you use in the shower?
d. the amount of water your family uses in one year?
e. the distance from here to Hope, B.C.?
f. the distance from here to the moon?
g. the amount of energy in a liter of gasoline?
h. the amount of farmland on a wheat farm?
i, the thickness of a piece of notepaper?
the width of a piece of notepaper?
k the length of an AIDS virus?
I the size of a single atom of Carbon?
m. the frequency of Z-95.3 on the FM radio?
n. the temperature on Pluto?
o. the mass of a mountain bike?
p. the mass of your heaviest relative?
g. the mass of a Ford Mustang convertible?
r. the mass of the Earth?