A baby mango tree stands 2.6, meters above the ground. Its roots extend 7/5 meters below the ground.

Which of the following expressions represent the vertical distance between the top of the mango tree and the tips of its roots?

A.) ∣2.6 − 7/5∣

B.) ∣7/5 - 2.6∣

C.) None of the Above

Respuesta :

The vertical distance would be 2.6 meters  + 7/5 meters:

2.6 + 1.4 = 4 meters total.

A.) ∣2.6 − 7/5∣ = ∣2.6 − 1.4 ∣ = ∣1.2∣ = 1.2

B.) ∣7/5 - 2.6∣ = ∣1.4 - 2.6∣ = ∣-1.2∣ = -1.2

Neither one equals 4 meters.

The answer would be C.


C) None of the above

Step-by-step explanation:

Th expression that represents the vertical distance between the top of the mango tree and the tips of its roots is

I2.6I + I1.4I

The ABSOLUTE VALUE  of  2.6 + 1.4 = I4I (absolute value of 4)