1. Opportunity for quality Education: If a student feels successful in school, he is more likely to actively participate in educational activities and be successful.
2. The idea of living in a safe environment: If the environment is not safe, then the child is not safe and cannot continue to bloom and grow into a healthy young person.
3. Peer Pressure: Students feel a lot of pressure to fit in and if they do not have a healthy self esteem, then they will usually fall into the traps of following others instead of being a leader and making positive choices.
1. Self esteem - The way a child feels about himself is very important. If they continue to feel like a failure at everything they attempt to do, then they will quit trying.
2. Pressures of life: Mental health is a big issue with American right now and the fact that every area does not have adequate mental health care. A person should be allowed to have the opportunity to be in a healthy setting and to deal with the pressures of life.