When in 1915 Italy threw in her fate with that of the Allies, how many cries of admiration, how many promises were heard? But after the common victory, which cost Italy six hundred thousand dead, four hundred thousand lost, one million wounded, when peace was being discussed around the table only the crumbs of a rich colonial LOOT were left for us to pick up. For thirteen years we have been patient while the circle tightened around us at the hands of those who wish to suffocate us.
What argument is Mussolini making in this passage?
A.Italy did not get the territory it deserved after World War I. B.The Allies refused to make fair promises to Italy during the war. C.Italy won colonial territory but lost it in World War I. D.Italy lost more soldiers than the other Allied countries.

Respuesta :


I believe it is A. Italy did not get the territory it deserved after World War I

The correct answer is A)Italy did not get the territory it deserved after World War I.

The argument that Mussolini makes in this passage is "Italy did not get the territory it deserved after World War I."

Fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini was angry because Italy had accepted to participate in World War 1, in 1915, when the Entente (the alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia) promised to gave Italy the control of the territories around its northeastern border such as Tyron. But that did not happen.