Venn diagram Interpretation (4 pts)- to be completed at the end of unit 4
In a survey of students about favorite sports, the results include 22 who like tennis, 25 who like football, 9 wh
like tennis AND football, 17 who like tennis AND baseball, 20 who like football AND baseball, 6 who like all
three sports and 4 who like none of the sports. Please help PLEASE HELP!!!!! I am desperate

Respuesta :

So here’s how you would create it because it’s hard to actually give you an answer. Draw three circles that overlap eachother in the middle. Label one tennis, one football, one baseball. Put 22 in tennis, 25 in football. Put 9 where football and tennis are overlapping (but not baseball). Put 17 in the part that’s overlapping tennis and baseball together (but not football), and put 20 in the circle that’s overlapping football and baseball (not tennis). In the very middle put 6. The only part I don’t understand what to do with is the 4 who don’t like any of the sports.

I would label the whole thing, students who like sports.

If you follow this step by step you should be able to get it.