
The dollar, or monetary unit and standard unit of currency in the U.S. monetary system, was modeled after

The Spanish peso

The German mark

The British pound

The French franc

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The Spanish peso


The US dollar is the currency of the United States, as well as several other small island nations. It is the most used currency in the global transactions, and it is also considered as flat money, as it is not a currency that is attached with any precious metal nowadays. The history of the dollar is an interesting one. While the US dollar has directly been influenced by the Spanish peso, or Spanish dollar, the dollar itself has its roots in Europe. The term, with several different variations, originated in Europe, and it was brought to the Americas by the Dutch merchants which were finding it very practical for trade. It quickly spread around, and the Spanish accepted it as it was very similar to their currency. The Spanish dollar emerged, and soon after, the US dollar followed, being created on the basis of the Spanish peso, which was also referred to as Spanish dollar.


The Spanish peso
