Here’s a few examples of Warfare Developments from WW2 and shortly after WW2:
(Specific developments are Bolded and Italicized)
Jet Aircraft, Ballistic Missiles, Atomic Weapons, a primary troop landing craft called The Higgins Boat, a six-wheel-drive amphibious truck called The DUKW, the Drop Tank, a bomber used by the British called Bristol Blenheim, an operational jet fighter that was used by the Germans and brought in late in the war called the Messerschmitt Me 262, and Tetra Ethyl Lead added by the USA to fuel Allied Airplanes, giving them more speed, higher compression ratios, higher efficiency, more range, and reducing the cooling load.
No, I didn’t copy and paste this like the rest of the lazy people on here, I wrote it by hand, so you’re welcome.