Read this classified ad that was translated in Spanish by a local business. Identify the false cognate used in the paragraph. Be sure to read carefully.

Clases de música
Se ofrecen clases de música e instrumentos musicales.
Clases de piano, guitarra, violín, trompeta, saxófono y flauta.
El profesor es músico profesional. También es artista de radio y televisión.
Las clases son veinte dólares y se ofrecen en los meses de junio y julio.
¡Ven con tu mejor ropa y serás un artista con éxito en la carpeta roja!


Respuesta :




it suppose to be á.

translated: Classes of music

Music classes and musical instruments are offered.

Classes of piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, saxophone and flute.

The teacher is a professional musician. He is also a radio and television artist.

Classes are twenty dollars and are offered in the months of June and July.

Come with your best clothes and you will be a successful artist in the red folder!