Internal conflict, which takes place in a person’s mind—for example, a struggle to make a decision or overcome a feeling. Internal conflicts are character vs. self.• External conflict, which generally takes place between a person and someone or something else, such as nature, another person or persons, or an event or situation. External conflicts may be character vs. character, character vs. nature, or character vs. society.Tell students that characters in a story face the same types of conflicts, and it is important to identify them in order to understand the story completely.3.Distribute copies of the “Interior or Exterior Conflicts” worksheet. Have students classify the conflicts as internal or external conflicts, writing the answers in the left column.4.Go over the classifications with the class, and allow students to correct their answers as needed.5.Give students copies of another worksheet showing a different set of interior and exterior conflicts, and have students classify them independently and hand in the completed worksheet for assessment.6.Have students read a short story from their literature book and as they read, put sticky notes on the text wherever conflict is present.7.When they have finished, ask students to identify the types of conflict they found in the story. Lead a class discussion of the ways the plot might have been different had internal conflicts been external or vice versa.
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