A) jupiter
B) neptune
C) saturn
D) uranus
The planets are celestial bodies without their own light or heat. In our solar system are known eight planets which according to the proximity of the sun are:
Mercury: It is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the closest to the sun and the fastest. Formed basically of iron, it can be seen from the earth with the naked eye.
Venus: It is the second closest planet to the sun. In addition to the sun and moon it is the brightest celestial body in the sky.
Earth: It has liquid water and oxygen in its atmosphere which makes life on the planet possible.
Mars: It is the second smallest planet in the solar system. It is known as red planet by the coloration of its surface.
Jupiter: Largest planet in the solar system. Mainly formed by hydrogen, helium and methane gases and a small solid core inside.
Saturn: It is the second largest planet in the solar system. It is known for the rings formed mainly by ice and cosmic dust.
Uranus: It is a gaseous planet and its atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen, helium and methane.
Neptune: Planet farthest from the Sun. A gas giant, such as Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.