Dr.Potter Provides vaccinations against polio and measles. Each polio vaccination multi-dose vial consist of 44 individual doses, and each measles vaccination multidose vial’s consist of 22 individual doses period last year, Dr.Potter used a total of 60 multi-dose vial’s that consisted of a total of 2024 individual doses. How many individual polio and measles vaccinations did Dr.potter give, respectively?

Respuesta :

Hello there i hope you are having a good day :)

Question : Dr.Potter Provides vaccinations against polio and measles. Each polio vaccination multi-dose vial consist of 44 individual doses, and each measles vaccination multi dose vial’s consist of 22 individual doses period last year, Dr.Potter used a total of 60 multi-dose vial’s that consisted of a total of 2024 individual doses. How many individual polio and measles vaccinations did Dr.potter give, respectively?

The answer should be given 28 and 32 individual of the polio and measles vaccinations.

Hope this helps you.