One day, L.J. had suggested to Kenny that they have a huge dinosaur war and tricked him into bringing out his entire collection, which was against Momma's rules. Kenny and L.J. had had a great time annihilating the monsters with pretend atomic bombs. When the carnage was complete, L.J. had told Kenny that the dinosaurs would have to be buried in the ground because they were now radioactive, and he and Kenny had dug three big holes and put the defunct creatures in them. L.J. had then distracted Kenny, taking him to see an older classmate's secret fort, and it was not until Kenny was in bed that night that he remembered the buried dinosaurs. Sneaking out of the house, he went down to the dinosaur graves, only to find them empty. Kenny realized that L.J. had tricked him out of nearly his whole dinosaur collection; he never played with him again.