Do you want a credit card that will help you save money on purchases what is one way that you can save money with a credit card
You can you get cash back rewards
You don’t have to pay sales tax
You can pay now and mail and your receipt to get a rebate

Respuesta :

Answer: Yes! I wanted to have a credit card that will help me save money on purchases. One of the ways that I could save money with a credit card is that I can get cash back rewards.

Step-by-step explanation:

Credit cards has different features even with the same issuing bank. For example one of the features of a credit card is that you can get up to 6% of cash back rewards from the groceries you have purchased. Another example is some credit card offer a cash rebate up to 3% when you gas up your car using your credit card at any participating gas station. In that way, you are definitely saving money from your purchases and it is actually a smart way of spending.