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(1)Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has identified five stages in the reactions of dying patients. (2)The first stage, she says, is denial. (3)Patients will at first deny the seriousness of their illness, claiming that some error has been made. (4)Then patients become angry. (5)They ask, “Why me?” (6)Their anger may be directed against God, fate, or even their doctors. (7)Next comes depression. (8)During this stage, patients feel hopeless and lose interest in life. (9)After depression comes bargaining—patients try to bargain for their lives. (10)They may promise God or their doctors that they’ll be good, stop smoking, give up alcohol, or do whatever is necessary if only they can survive. (11)The fifth stage is that of acceptance. (12)Patients finally resign themselves to the inevitable. (13)They are not joyful, but they gain a sense of inner peace. (14)While there has been some criticism of Kubler-Ross’s stages, her work has contributed much to making death a more comfortable and better-understood subject.

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