Respuesta :

I may not be able to get four for each but I can get you started:


1. In 1945, the USSR took over the Northern part of Korea from Japan, while the US took the southern part

2. In June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, taking over the capital Seoul, almost taking it over expect for the town of Pusan (which was at the end of the Korean Peninsula)


1. The US tried a daring invasion at Inchon, which ended up succeeding in pushing back the North Koreans and driving them back up, almost taking over North Korea.

2. The US Army equipment at the time was old, WW2 era guns and radios, which caused most of the US's guns to jam often and radios to malfunction

3. A little off topic: Pusan was the safest town to be in during the Korean War. (My grandmother lived there during the Korean War) If you were rich and living in Pusan, you were safe. If you were poor and living anywhere but Pusan, you were pretty much dead.


1. When it seemed like North Korea was done for, China declared war.

2. This caused a mass UN retreat, all the way back done to the 38th parallel, where for the rest of the war fighting was pretty much around this area


1. Both sides finally agreed to a ceasefire in 1953.

2. Today, both Koreas keep watch over each other in a massive staring match

3. A ceasefire agreement doesn't mean a peace treaty, so technically the Korean War has continued for over 50 years.

That's all I got. I'm sorry, I hope I got you started on something.