Which theme is reflected in this excerpt from Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist?
Who can tell how scenes of peace and quietude sink into the minds of pain-worn dwellers in close and noisy places, and carry their own freshness, deep into their jaded hearts! Men who have lived in crowded, pent-up streets, through lives of toil, and who have never wished for change; men, to whom custom has indeed been second nature, and who have come almost to love each brick and stone that formed the narrow boundaries of their daily walks; even they, with the hand of death upon them, have been known to yearn at last for one short glimpse of Nature's face; and, carried far from the scenes of their old pains and pleasures, have seemed to pass at once into a new state of being.
1- the high quality of life the countryside offers city dwellers
2- the lack of natural, scenic beauty in urban settings
3- the honesty and humility of those living in the country
4- the country as a source of rest and rejuvenation for city folks