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The Navajo Code talkers played a critical role during World War II. The members of this Native American group were recruited by the US military as individuals who could relay important battlefield messages without the fear of the message being decoded by the Axis Powers. This was because the Navajo language was very difficult to learn and there were very little written records of this language. This is why the US military recruited this group specifically. Thanks to their service, the US military officers were able to communicate battefield positions of their enemies and ongoing correspondence about the place of their next attack without fear of their enemy breaking their code.

The name code talkers is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the Marines to serve in their standard communications units in the Pacific Theater. Code talking, however, was pioneered by the Cherokee and Choctaw peoples during World War I. So the code talkers helped us by giving us a language to speak so that we weren't overridden or hacked into because Navajo was a dying language to non Indians