
The use of poison gas by both the Germans and the allies during WW1.

1. What were the effects of different types of poison gas?
2. How did soldiers avoid being gassed?
3. How were victims treated?
4. Has chemical warfare been practiced in other modern wars besides WW1?

Respuesta :

1- Different gases were irritants that would incapacitate soldiers, not kill them.  They essentially blinded, suffocated, harmed, burned, etc. soldiers.
2- Soldiers avoided being gassed by wearing gas masks.
3- victims were often treated by removing them from combat and then placing wet cloths and bandages over the victims' eyes, nose, and mouth to soothe the pain 
4- Chemical warfare was banned following the events of both world wars, but recently, they have been used in modern wars.  For example, during the various police conflicts in the Middle East within the last two decades, chemical gases, including sarin gas (a deadly neurotoxin) has been used to kill and injure both civilians and soldiers as a form of terrorism.  
sorry 4 doing that i was actually lookin back in my notes cause i know that we  learned thatin my clas orry