
For each of the 3 art pieces please answer the following questions. The assignments is worth 48 points, 12 points per picture.

Name of Art Piece:

Name of Artist:

1. Give a full description of the art piece. Imagine you are explaining the piece to someone who is can’t see it. This should be really thorough. Explain colors, images in the background, images in the foreground, the mood of the art piece, etc.

2. When you first look at the art piece, what sticks out the most?

a. Why does this stick out?

b. Why might the artist want this to stick out?

3. What do you think the meaning of the painting is?

4. What is the tone of the painting (emotions revealed)?

5. Do you like this piece of art? Why or Why not?

pt2 For each of the 3 art pieces please answer the following questions The assignments is worth 48 points 12 points per picture Name of Art Piece Name of Artist class=
pt2 For each of the 3 art pieces please answer the following questions The assignments is worth 48 points 12 points per picture Name of Art Piece Name of Artist class=
pt2 For each of the 3 art pieces please answer the following questions The assignments is worth 48 points 12 points per picture Name of Art Piece Name of Artist class=

Respuesta :


Sistine Madonna

Rafael Sanzio

The angels are part of a greater work "Sistine Madonna". In the cut you can see little angels with a round and rozagante face. The one on the left rests his head on his hand and the one on the right has his head resting on his two crossed arms. ,. They both look up. Clouds appear behind them

The first thing that is appreciated when seeing the work is the angelic face of the protagonists and their look. The work is believed to have been intended for the tomb of the pope and represented the union of heaven and earth. It reveals tranquility, peace. Personally I prefer the complete works of the artists.



Miguel Angel Buonarotti

The sculpture shows a very young mother, with an angelic and peaceful face, dressed in the holy shroud whose folds stand out. In his arms Jesus lies dead, barely covered by a blanket on his hip.

When you look at the work of art for the first time, the angelic face of the virgin girl stands out, in peace because her son has been promoted to the kingdom of God. Accompanying the atmosphere of the Renaissance era. The tone of the work is one of peace, tranquility.

This work is magnificent, worth observing with attention.


The Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci

On the canvas you can see Jesus before sharing his prediction. Bartolomeo, Santiago the Younger and Andrés surprised.  Judas Iscariote with his body leaning back, Pedro tormented and with a supposed knife in his right hand and Juan, called 'the beardless', of whom it is suspected that his femininity is due to his true identity being that of Mary Magdalene.  Jesus in the center after announcing his prediction about a future betrayal.   Tomás with the index finger up demanding an explanation or a secret symbolism of Da Vinci, Santiago el Mayor indignant and Felipe also demanding a consolation.  Lastly, Mateo, Judas Tadeo and Simón el Celote discussing among themselves. Behind them are windows and lots of food on the table. Under it the feet of all the diners.

When you see the work, Jesus stands out, at the center of the table, palms up, as if delivered. Precisely that may represent the author. After Jesus already shared his prediction he knew what would happen. The tone of the painting is cheerful, that of an encounter. It is a magnificent work of art that represents part of the history of Christianity.