Hi! So I'm writing an essay in French based on emigration and immigration. It's 300 words long and I wrote half of it already on this page. I need someone who is good in French that could help me fix my grammar and my word choice. In the essay here are the questions I have to answer if that helps:
-Quelle est la différence entre émigration et immigration?
-Quels sont les causes et les consequences de la migration?

I answered the first question and almost finished answering the first part of the second question.

Hi So Im writing an essay in French based on emigration and immigration Its 300 words long and I wrote half of it already on this page I need someone who is goo class=

Respuesta :


-Quelle est la différence entre émigration et immigration?

Le terme émigration signifie changer de lieu de résidence.

Émigrer signifie donc quitter son pays de résidence pour un autre.Lorsque l'on parle d'émigrés en France, par exemple, on parle des français qui partent s'installer dans un autre pays que le leur.

Le terme immigration concerne les personnes étrangères qui ont quitté leur pays pour venir s'installer en France (par exemple).

-Quels sont les causes et les conséquences de la migration?

Les causes de la migration sont diverses, soit économiques,  politiques,  naturelles, éducationnelles,  psychologiques,  institutionnelles, volontaires, diplomatiques, d`affaire ou de réunion.

Les conséquences :

Des pays en développement s'enrichissent au détriment des populations pauvres populations. La dictature, l`absence de la démocratie, la pauvreté, le chômage et la malnutrition deviennent le vécu quotidien des populations.

Les conflits, les guerres, les soulèvements populaires, les coups d`Etat , le terrorisme, le manque du civisme, l`intolérance, le racisme, la  xénophobie, sont des conséquences.

immigrés? Emigrants? Migrants? The choice of the term implies both problematic and methodology. How to name them? From what point of view look at the practices of these people? Analyzing them from that of the host country (even before doing so within the framework of a specific discipline or approach) strongly conditions the report. Reduced initially to its economic dimension, immigration has gradually become synonymous with problems of integration   [1] . For Abdelmalek Sayad, "the migration phenomenon, in its totality, emigration and immigration, can not be thought of, can be described and interpreted otherwise than through the categories of" state thinking   [2]. Sayad considers that, most often, the thought of immigration is nourished by moral considerations and is organized, sometimes unwittingly, around a "line of demarcation, invisible or barely perceptible, but whose effects are considerable, radically separating "national" and "non-national". At bottom, it is always a situated thought, affiliated with a territory over which the sovereignty of the State is exercised. About ten years ago, the High Council for Integration made the following recommendations:

"It is better to define the immigrant rigorously as someone born abroad, who has entered France and who usually lives there permanently. The term "migrant" is better suited to seasonal or temporary movements and, of course, tourists are not immigrants or even "migrants"