Write the definition of a class Counter containing: An instance variable named counter of type int. An instance variable named counterID of type int. A static int variable nCounters which is initialized to zero. A constructor that takes an int argument and assigns its value to counter. It also adds one to the static variable nCounters and assigns the result to the instance variable counterID. A method named increment. It does not take parameters or return a value; it just adds one to the instance variable counter. A method named decrement that also doesn't take parameters or return a value; it just subtracts one from the counter. A method named getValue. It returns the value of the instance variable counter. A method named getCounterID: it returns the value of the instance variable counterID.

Respuesta :

The definition of a class Counter

class Counter


Private :                        //access modifier

int counter;                  //defining and initialising variables

int counterID;

static int nCounters=0;

Public :                               //access modifier

Counter(int a)                     //defining functions


counter=a;                 //initialising variable counter with argument a          

nCounters++;                   //incrementing 1 to variable nCounters


void increment()


counter=counter + 1;


void decrement()


counter=counter - 1;


int getValue()


return counter;          //returning integer value contained in counter


int getCounterID()


return counterID;     //returning integer value contained in counter


};       //class definition ends