what can you deduce about the character of walter and beneatha's father not only from the way his family talks about him but from the character of the family itself? what does his memory signify to each of the family members?

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The father of beneatha and walter (big walter) represented the support, the main base that supported the family. He had a strong character, and was known to have that acid personality. He was equally, very loving to the children and did not let them lack anything. He was a great laborer, very loved for his family.  According to the story, it seems that his family relied on the insurance he had of 10,000 with which to buy his new home. Since his death, the family has been separating, implying that their interest was that insurance.

what does his memory signify to each of the family members?

Big walter is always remembered by Lena, for example, by his voice. She always remembers him as a very important part that made their family. She always reminds children of their deeds, and wisdom in their speaking.

Walter Lee had recollections that Big Walter was a great worker and was fighting for his family. Beneatha remembered him for the aspirations he had for her, for being a doctor.