Respuesta :
Answer to question 4:
The correct answer is B: Because after Santa Anna's victory in San Antonio, he felt very confident and split his army into five columns after José Urrea (one of his generals) defeated a Texan army in Goliad. When they were near San Jacinto, Santa Anna ordered his 5 column army to rest, and his biggest mistake was not to order patrols or sentries posted while the whole army was resting because Sam Houston was planning a surprise attack that with no alarm of attack, this plan would be very easy. The whole Mexican army was completely caught by surprise.
Answer to question 5:
The correct answer is A: Because they knew about the approach of the Mexican Army led by Santa Anna which would arrive at Texas a month later.
Answer to question 6:
The correct answer is A: Because in the early years of the United States of America, slavery still existed and Several states in the northern territory of the country had made slavery illegal but in the southern territories it was still legal. In order to keep things civil, while states were being added to the union, congress was trying to keep an even number of free states and slave states. Before the war with Mexico, Texas had been a part of their country but the Americans living in Texas refused to adhere to the Mexican ban on slavery so the American Texans declared war on Mexico and won. After its independence, Texas wanted to join and be a part of the United States. The south accepted the annexation of Texas because it would add a very large slave state to the Union.
Answer to question 7:
A great title would be the following: ''The Commander of the Texas Army, 1835.'', Because: In 1835, he was chosen commander in chief of the Texas army and he led the Texan Army to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto by planning a successful surprise attack.