
MS. CHEN. So Luisa agrees that students have too much homework these days. However, Raymond mentioned a report that says homework levels are mostly unchanged. Would anyone like to add to these two points of view?

[BRIANNA raises her hand.]

BRIANNA. I think there must be something to the idea that students have too much homework. A lot of students experience stress, and homework is often the cause.

[RAYMOND raises his hand.]

RAYMOND. That’s a good point. According to the article we read, more than half of the students in a study said that homework was their main cause of stress.

MS. CHEN. Are you changing your opinion, Raymond?

RAYMOND. I think so.

What does the transcript demonstrate about group discussions?
Check all that apply!!!

-It is important to keep an open mind about the topic.
-It is important to listen to the facts and ideas that others present.
-It is important to stick to your own opinion on the topic.
-It is important to read and review any materials prior to the discussion.
-It is important to argue forcefully to sway others to accept your opinion.