Knee Injuries The knee is a joint that is, actually the largest in the body. What is the knee made up of? bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons What three bones does your knee sit in the middle of? tibia patella femur What is articular cartilage and what does it do? What is the difference between menisci and meniscus? What muscles surround the knee and what do they do? How do tendons and ligaments operate? How are they different? There are FOUR major knee ligaments that help connect the femur to the tibia and keep your legs stable, what are they and how do they work? anterior cruciate ligament There are 9 knee injuries listed in the article. Identify SIX of the injuries and how they can affect you: What does RICE mean? R - I - C - E - Who are orthopedic surgeons and what do they do? Describe what the role of a Physical Therapist: What are TWO ways to prevent a knee injury?