In Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, Eliza Doolittle is a flower- girl who unexpectedly meets Professor Higgins, a phonetician, during a rainy night in Covent Garden, London. Later, Eliza is undertaken as a pupil of the Professor, as part of an experiment, in which he promises to passes her as a noble in the period of six months. However, to conform to Higgins's home, Eliza has to deal with his rudeness and lack of empathy. The Professor thinks that she has not feelings and that the only purpose of the lessons will be to concentrate on her speech and appearance. Confronting this situation, Eliza decides to leave Higgins's home, but he convinces her to stay by tempting the girl with thoughts of wealth and prosperity. During this process of making Eliza into a refined lady, she will have to put up with the Professor's constantly mistreatment and mockery to fullfil her aim.