Which of the following represents the correct order of the parts of neurons that are involved in the flow of information, beginning with the presynaptic cell and ending where a synapse is made with a postsynaptic cell?
a. Dendrites, cell body, axon hillock, axon, axon terminals
b. Cell body, axon terminals, axon hillock, axon, dendrites
c. Axon, cell body, dendrites
d. Axon terminals, axon hillock, cell body, dendrites
e. Synapse, axon, cell body, dendrites

Respuesta :

The correct answer is option a, that is, dendrites, cell body, axon hillock, axon, and axon terminals.  

The nerve cells or the neurons exhibit three parts, which conduct the activities of integration and communication, which are dendrites, axons, and axon terminals. The dendrites refer to the sections of the neuron, which attain stimulation in order to activate the cell. They transfer electrical messages to the cell body of the neuron for the functioning of the cell.  

From there the impulse is transmitted to the axon hillock, which is a unique component of the cell body that associates with the axon. Here the summation of the synaptic inputs is done before getting transmitted to the axon. Finally, the impulse reaches the axon terminals present at the end of the axons that make the association with other neurons.