Respuesta :
To be able to round the number 47,125 to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth place you need to know were those places are. The tens place is the second one from the right hand side. The hundreds place is the third one from the right hand side and the thousands place is the one right after the comma. Now, to round to the tens place, you need to look at the place right behind it (which would be the ones place) then you need to analyze. If the number in the ones place is between 0-4 you can NOT round the tens place but, if it is between 5-9 you can. The same rule applies when you round to the hundreds and thousands place. So the number you should end up with is - 47,135.
The given number is 47,125.
Rounding to tens or hundreds means rounding the number to nearest zero.
When we will round this to nearest ten, it will be : 47,130
Rounded to the nearest 100 or hundreds place, we get : 47,100
Rounded to the nearest 1,000 or thousands place, we get : 47,000
And lastly rounded to 10,000 place we get : 50,000