Respuesta :
Popol Vuh is divided into 4 parts:
I. Referred creation
The Gods create the world.
The Gods create the animals, but since they do not praise them, they condemn them to eat each other.
The Gods create the clay beings, which are fragile and unstable and fail to praise them.
The Gods create the first human beings of wood, they are imperfect and lacking in feelings.
The Gods destroy the first human beings, who become monkeys.
The Twin Gods Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué destroy the arrogant being Vucub-Caquix, and then their sons Zipacná and Cabracán.
II. Histories of Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué
Xpiyacoc and Xmucane father two brothers.
HunHunahpú and Xbaquiyalo breed the "monkey twins" HunBatz and HunChouen.
Xibalba kills the Hunhunahpú and VucubHunahpú brothers, hanging the head of HunHunahpú in a tree.
HunHunahpú and Xquic breed the "twin heroes" Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué (the head of HuhHunahpu spits at the hand of Xquic, making her pregnant).
The twin heroes are born and live with their mother and paternal grandmother Xmucane, competing with their half brothers HunBatz and HunChouen.
The "Twin Heroes" defeat Xibalbá, home of the penumbra, the knives, the cold, the jaguar, the fire and the bats.
III. Creation of the men of Corn. Description of communities
The first four real men are created: Balam-Quitzé, the second Balam-Acab, the third Mahucutah and the fourth Iqui-Balam.
The first four women are created.
Descendant tribes. They speak the same language and travel to TulanZuiva.
The language of the tribes is confused and these are dispersed.
Tohil is recognized as a God and demands human sacrifices.
IV. List of generations
Tohil convinces the lords of the earth through his priesthoods but his dominion destroys the Quiche.
Genealogies of the tribes.
The Popol Vuh or Popol Wuj (in Quiché "Book of the Council" or "Book of the Community"), is a compilation of several legends of the Quiché, a Kingdom of the Mayan civilization in the south of Guatemala; more than a historical sense it has value and importance in the religious plane.