(TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH) Il est huit heures1 du matin2 et Béatrice se lève. Béatrice a faim et elle cherche de la nourriture3 dans la cuisine4 . Elle cherche des céréales mais il n’y a pas de céréales. Elle cherche des crêpes, mais il n’y a pas de crêpes. Elle cherche et cherche mais elle ne trouve rien5 à manger. Béatrice s’assoit et elle soupire. Elle regarde un programme à la télé. Elle ne mange rien. Elle regarde cinquante-six (56) programmes à la télé. Plus tard6 Béatrice regarde sa montre. Il est midi7 . Béatrice a toujours faim. Elle va à la cuisine et elle cherche le déjeuner8 . Elle cherche une pizza mais il n’y a pas de pizzas. Elle cherche un hamburger, mail il n’y a pas de hamburgers. Elle cherche un sandwich, mail il n’y a pas de sandwiches. Il n’y a rien à manger! Béatrice s’assoit et elle pleure. Elle pleure pendant trentequatre (34) minutes. Enfin9 elle décide d’aller â la pêche. Elle met sa canne à pêche, les hameçons et les appâts dans sa voiture. Elle va au lac et elle pêche pendant treize (13) minutes. Elle attrape10 soixantedix-neuf (79) poissons. Elle va chez elle avec les soixante-dix-neuf poissons. Elle va à la cuisine et elle se prépare un sandwich et une pizza avec les soixante-dix-neuf poissons. Elle ne se prépare pas de hamburger avec les poissons; ça c’est bizarre! Béatrice mange et mange. Qu’elle est contente!

Respuesta :

It's eight o'clock in the morning 2 and Beatrice gets up. Beatrice is hungry and she is looking for food 3 in the kitchen 4. She is looking for cereals but there is no grain. She's looking for pancakes, but there are no pancakes. She seeks and seeks but she finds nothing to eat. Beatrice sits down and sighs. She is watching a program on TV. She does not eat anything. She watches fifty-six (56) programs on TV. Later 6 Beatrice looks at her watch. It is noon 7. Beatrice is always hungry. She goes to the kitchen and she looks for lunch 8. She is looking for pizza but there are no pizzas. She is looking for a hamburger, mail there is no burgers. She is looking for a sandwich, mail there are no sandwiches. There's nothing to eat! Beatrice sits down and cries. She cries for thirty-four (34) minutes. Finally, she decides to go fishing. She puts her fishing rod, hooks and bait in her car. She goes to the lake and she fishes for thirteen (13) minutes. She catches 10 sixty-nine (79) fish. She goes to her house with seventy-nine fish. She goes to the kitchen and prepares a sandwich and a pizza with the seventy-nine fish. She does not prepare hamburger with fish; that's weird! Beatrice eats and eats. How happy she is! Beatrice eats and eats. How happy she is! Beatrice eats and eats. How happy she is!

It is eight o'clock in the morning2 and Beatrice gets up. Beatrice is hungry and she is looking for food3 in the kitchen4. She is looking for cereals but there is no grain. She's looking for pancakes, but there are no pancakes. She seeks and seeks but she finds nothing to eat. Beatrice sits down and sighs. She is watching a program on TV. She does not eat anything. She watches fifty-six (56) programs on TV. Later6 Beatrice looks at her watch. It is noon7. Beatrice is always hungry. She goes to the kitchen and she looks for lunch8. She is looking for pizza but there are no pizzas. She is looking for a hamburger, mail there is no burgers. She is looking for a sandwich, mail there are no sandwiches. There's nothing to eat! Beatrice sits down and cries. She cries for thirtyfour (34) minutes. Finally, she decides to go fishing. She puts her fishing rod, hooks and bait in her car. She goes to the lake and she fishes for thirteen (13) minutes. She catches 10 sixty-nine (79) fish. She goes to her house with seventy-nine fish. She goes to the kitchen and prepares a sandwich and a pizza with the seventy-nine fish. She does not prepare hamburger with fish; that's weird! Beatrice eats and eats. How happy she is!