Respuesta :

ocean has a large body of water (a major part of the hydrosphere) that is characteristic to or located in the region adjacent to  either side of the equator while rain forests are luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas  with consistently heavy rainfall as it creates a major difference in ocean zones and rain forests.Oceans are areas of salty water that  fill enormous basins on the Earth’s surface.Both are governed by cycles, ranging from seasonal to multi-year. Both contain an array of  plants and animals that are dependent upon that ecosystem. And both produce vast quantities of a resource vital to life on earth:  fresh water evaporated from the oceans, and fresh oxygen from the trees and greenery in the rain forest.The ocean floor is like a  rain forest, because feces and dead animals rain from the sky. These two are both great examples of biodiversity .

Answer: Ocean zones and rainforest layers are similar in terms of the amount of sunlight it receives. The ocean is divided into two part, the Photic zone (upper part of the ocean, upto about 100m below the sea level, upto which sunlight can penetrate) and the Aphotic zone (starting from 100m depth to the ocean floor where the sunlight is not visible and appears dark).

        Similarly, in case of rainforest, it is divided into three layers, the Emergent layer, i.e the top portion of the forest, ranges from 140-200 ft. height from the land surface and this layer receives maximum sunlight. The middle layer is Canopy layer, which is rich in plant and animal biodiversity and height ranges from about 80-140 ft. The last layer is the Understory layer, about 80 ft. from the ground and absence of sunlight, so plant growth is very limited.

 Ocean layers and rainforest layer are different in terms of pressure, salinity and water content. Ocean is comprised of water whereas rainforest is comprised of trees. In the ocean, the water temperature is relatively low, high salinity and pressure condition but in rainforest there is absence of all these.