
How will Jing-Mei's mother know that she has been successful in raising a daughter who is an American success story

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Jing-Mei's mother wants her daughter to become a prodigy because her friend Lindo Jong's daughter is a prodigy in chess. She is famous, and when seeing other prodigies in magazines and television, Jing-Mei's mother understands that she wants the same thing for her daughter. This generates in Jing-Mei certain displeasure, because she is tired of the comparisons and rivalry.

Jing-Mother understands that America is the land of opportunities, where anyone can succeed and achieve their dreams


Jing-Mei's mother wanted her daughter to become a prodigy, and started watching television and going through magazines to see which talent Jing-Mei should aspire to.


Because America is the land of opportunities and success, Jing-Mei's mother wanted her daughter to become successful and live the American Dream. The mother believes Jing-Mei can be anything if she works hard enough for it.