I need to analyse this. I need to 1.Make a question for all this text? 2.Answer it widely, by explaining my thoughts. It's for sociology.

Why all this misery and murder in a world so rich and beautiful? Why all the pain and sorrow upon an earth so full of nature’s bounty and sunshine?

‘It’s God’s will,’ says the church.

‘People are bad, ‘says the lawmaker.

‘It must be so,’ says the fool.

Is it true? Must it really be so?

You and I and each of us, we all want to live. We have but one life and we want to make the best of it — rightly so. We want some joy and sunshine while we live. What will happen to us when we are dead, we don’t know. No one knows. The chances are that once dead we’ll stay dead. But whether so or not, while we live our whole being hungers for joy and laughter, for sunshine and happiness. Nature has made us that way. Made you and me, and millions of others like us, to long for life and joy. Is it right and just that we should be deprived of it and forever remain the slaves of a handful of men who lord it over us and over life?

Can that be ‘God’s will’, as the church tells you?

But if there be a God, he must be just. Would he permit us to be cheated and despoiled of life and its joys? If there be a God, he must be our father, and all men his children. Would a good father let some of his children go hungry and miserable while others have so much they don’t know what to do with it? Would he suffer thousands, even millions, of his children to be killed and slaughtered, just for the glory of some king or the profit of the capitalist? Would he sanction injustice, outrage, and murder? No, my friend, you cannot believe that of a good father, of a just God. If people tell you that God wants such things they Just lie to you.

Maybe you say that God is good, but it is people who are bad, and that is why things are so wrong in the world.

But if people are bad, who made them so? Surely you don’t believe that God made people bad, because in that case he himself would be responsible for it. Then it means that if people are bad, something else has made them so. That may well be. Let us look into it....

Respuesta :

Question you could ask: If God is the father of all did he make people bad?

My views: If god is a good father he did not make people bad. However, people could have been "bad" in mind which is something god himself has no control over. He is not controller of thoughts. He is just creater of earth. If he was bad jesus would not have died for our sins so that we could be forgiven. In the texts it suggests that people themselves are bad which i believe to be true and i believe that if there is a god he only puts his strongest through the worst that way they can be higher up on the throne and one of the firsts in heaven.

Another question I myself feel is acceptable as someone who doesnt believe in god: How do we know god is real?

My answer: God is believed to be a good father and with all the bad in the text he doesn't seem to be a good father. Or even a father. So maybe he isnt real. Maybe there are so many horrors in life because there is no god to guide us...

Idk if this works its just what i got from the text through my personal views