The seven gables correspond to the seven deadly sins among the Pyncheon family.
PRIDE Characterized by Alice Pyncheon as she is too proud of her beauty. She has convinced herself of that.
”She was very proud. Setting aside all advantages , this fair girl deemed herself conscious of a power – combined of beauty, high unsullied purity, and the preservative force of womanhood – that would make her sphere impenetrabl" (p.165)
GREED. Almost every member of the family suffers from this sin. The first and foremost, is the ancestor, Colonel Pyncheon, who is greedy for wealth and he abused of his power to take the land from Maule and start building a large house for his descendants.
GLUTTONY. Clifford Pyncheon. After being released from prison, he is caught eating breakfast by Phoebe ( broiled fish, mocha, Indian cake, churned butter). He comes to the extent that the meal changes his dull face and becomes bright and he forgets everything around him.
“a charm of wonderful .It was a look of appetite. He ate the food with what might almost be termed voracity; and seemed to forget himself, Hebzibah, the young girl, and everything else around him, in the sensual enjoyment which the bountifully spread table afforded. "(p.90)