There's more than four reasons as to why the framers were able to transform the Great Plains into the agricultural ''breadbasket'' of the world, with some of them being:
- Large and cheap land they got from the government;
In order to attract the people to this part, the government initially was giving away large portions of land fro free or for very low prices, thus lot of farmers were able to got solid amount of land.
- Suitable climate;
The climate in this region is excellent for farming grains, and that has been used to the maximum.
- Very rich soil of top quality;
Naturally the Great Plains were grasslands, and they had developed a very rich and deep fertile soil of top quality, which results in high quality and quantity in the production.
- Investments into the region;
The region has seen a lot of investments, being for the work on the farms, or opening manufacturing facilities, buying centers, helping the farmers with mechanization etc.