Match the numbers to the correct number sentence 1. seven thousand, twenty-eight 1 7,828 2. seven thousand, two hundred eight 9,099 3. seven thousand, two hundred eighty-eight 9,900 4. seven thousand, eight hundred twenty-eight 3 7,288 5. seven thousand, eighty-eight 2,577 6. two thousand, five hundred seventy 5 7,088 7. two thousand, five hundred seven 2 7,208 8. two thousand, five hundred seventy-seven 2,570 9. two thousand, fifty-seven 9,999 10. two thousand, seventy-seven 9,090 11. nine thousand, nine 9,009 12. nine thousand, nine hundred 7,028 13. nine thousand, ninety 2,057 14. nine thousand, ninety-nine 2,077 15. nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine 2,507 NEXT QUESTION ASK FOR HELP