Ms. D'souza believes that severe depression results primarily from an imbalanced diet and abnormal brain chemistry. Ms. D'souza favors a ________ perspective on depression.

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I believe the answer is: bioPsycological

Biopsychological perspective on depression generally view that depression could be influenced by both biological and mental factors. We can see it on the example above. Abnormal brain chemistry is the biological factors and not maintaining diet properly is the psychological factor.


The best answer to the question: Ms. D´Souza favors a ____ perspective on depression, would be: psychobiological, or neuroscience perspective of depression.


Major Depression Disorder is a psychiatric disorder of the greatest severity as it can literally lead a person to loose functionality and become completely impaired. The sad part is that the numbers, just in the U.S, have been rising sharply, and nowadays, statistics show that over 80% of the population either are alread, or can be in the near future, affected by this condition. There have been many ways in which Major Depression has been studied and handled by the healthcare fields, but one of them is known as the psychobiological, or neuroscience perspective. This one tries to explain the way that different chemicals in the brain, and the way that biology, affects the functioning of the brain, also affecting the way a person handles mood and emotion. Mr. D´Souza believing that depression is the result of a poor diet and abnormal chemistry of the brain, thus favoring this perspective.