In 1889, in Chicago’s West Side, on Halsted Street in the middle of an immigrant neighborhood in the Nineteenth Ward, Jane Addams and her college friend, Ellen Gates Starr established the most famous of the settlement houses, Hull-House. Rapidly, it became the model for others houses. Based on that experience, she did valuable recommendations for social work with immigrants: 1. Add American culture to the immigrants’ native cultures, not to replace them. 2. Provide vocational instruction in sewing, basket weaving, millinery, embroidery, crafts, cooking, and dressmaking for women. 3. Provide health, food, legal and clothing assistance. 4. Offer English, American citizenship and culture classes. 5. Give prominence to immigrants' children through multiple programs in kindergarten classes, boys' and girls' clubs, reading groups, art and drama, college extension courses, along with public baths, a labor museum, a gymnasium, and playground.