Respuesta :
its a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.
Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which
activating one sensory or cognitive pathway can activate another, and the two cross paths.
The word synesthesia comes from the Greek words syn, meaning “with” or “together,” and aisthēsis, which
means “perception;” together, it means “joined perception.” Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which
activating one sensory or cognitive pathway can activate another, and the two cross paths. A second type of
synesthesia joins the perception of objects (such as letters, numbers, or names) with a perception such as
color, flavor, or smell. Although the experience seems hereditary and is something synesthetes remember
even from their earliest memories, temporary synesthesia can occur for other people under some instances.
Some individuals who have experienced a stroke or psychedelic drug use report synesthesia-like experiences
linking sound, vision or touch, though no one knows exactly how similar this experience is to true synesthesia.
Other individuals who might have synesthesia-like sensations at times include those who are deaf, blind, or
having an epileptic seizure centered in the temporal lobe of the brain.