Bruce is having trouble with his division problems; he can't finish them correctly on his own. however, he can complete them if his teacher gives him some hints. according to vygotsky, why can't bruce complete his division problems on his own?

Respuesta :

Math learners face a lot of technical issues in solving problems. Unless the learner doesn't get any challenge or he is not in practice with math material it is difficult for him or her to solve math challenging questions. There is a concept of a zone of proximal development. It includes three steps;

What I can do?

What I can do with help?

What I can not do?

Math educators must know the student's learning approach and deal with the same approach and must clear the concepts of the learner.

Bruce needs to be clear some technical concept which is also described in Vygotsky theory. A teacher should notice the point where Bruce feels difficulty and he must give him that level of question to solve with different tricks and ask him to practice them again and again until he is perfect in it.