The Yellow Emperor is a complicated man - and an even more complicated political character. His military expansion of what is modern day China is just as complex. An advantage would be that the fractured fiefdoms of China and the surrounding areas are - for the most part - brought under central control and command. This is an amazing new found source of revenue for the emperor's emerging empire. Rebellions are mostly repressed by the emperor's military presence in their newly occupied provinces. However, It is in fact the repression caused by the emperor's forces that remind the newly conquered of their defeat, thus creating a barrier between the new government and its subjects. Another disadvantage is the cost, economically and in blood, of the emperor's wars. Much strife is to be found whenever an army is mobilized and enforced to subdue an region. There is no clear cut way to measure if the Yellow emperor's kingdom is either beneficial or disadvantageous to the Chinese people overall - no blacks, no whites: all shades of grey (fifty to be exact XD)