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Compare and contrast German and Italian unification
In 19
century, Europe nationalism rose up radically making a big impact on the history of Europe. The main cause of the nationalism in 19
century was the effect of the French revolution which spread the idea of liberalism and national self-determinism. Napoleon and Napoleonic code also affected the politicians which cause political transformation in Europe. German and Italian unification was the fruit of the nationalism in 19
century. German and Italian reunification has similarities and differences. We will look into differences and similarities between German and Italian unification and come to the conclusion.
Cultural effect
Italy was divided into many states which were ruled by the kings but Italians shared the common language and history of the Roman Empire and they were very proud of their ancient glory. This commonness in culture united was the main factor that united the Italians. Same in Germany people shared the common language and history although they were divided into many different states. Grimm brothers had a big role in German cultural unity by researching and publishing German folk tales.
s effect
German and Italian unification have the similarity that Napoleon sparked nationalism and liberalism in both countries. French revolutionary ideas were the basis of nationalism in 19
century and it was Napoleon who spread those ideas throughout Europe. Also Napoleonic code affected the politicians. Napoleon made Germans to realize the benefits of unity. He reduced landowner power which improved which
improved workers’
lives and he dissolved Holy Roman Empire and found Confederation of Rhine reducing the number of states which made trading easier. But also many German people opposed to Napoleon
s rule and Prussians felt that they were humiliated militarily. This sparked the nationalism and patriotism in German people. Same in Italy Napoleon sparked nationalism and liberalism.
Congress of Vienna
Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 which settled European affair after Napoleonic wars affected nationalism in both countries. German confederation was found as a result of Congress of Vienna but it was under control of Austria and as a result many German liberals and patriots acted against Congress of Vienna and dominance of Austria. Italy was divided again into many states as a result of Congress of Vienna which frustrated Italian patriots. In both Germany and Italy liberals and nationalists fought against Congress of Vienna and for unity which would lead to great revolution by 1848.
Certain people
s leadership
In both countries certain people played main roles in unification. In Germany, Bismarck who was appointed as the chancellor of Prussia by King Wilhelm I in 1862, played the biggest role. He played Realpolitik and used the phrase
Blood and iron
as the description of his foreign policy because he saw war as the solution to German unification. His crucial leadership brought Germany victory in 1864 Schleswig-Holstein war, 1866 Austro Prussian war and 1870 Franco Prussian war which would result in German unification. In Italy Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Cavour are known as 3 gre
Otto von Bismarck of Germany was a conservative who kept control of the power. Italian leader Cavour was a liberal.
Germany was organized as a confederation before becoming a nation.
Germany didn’t have to worry about the Catholic Church interfering with its new government.